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‘Sustainable inheritance· gift and real estate tax improvement plan’ National Assembly Policy debate held
2024-03-04 13:39
Written by : 관리자
Views : 127
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The KACPTA (President Koo Jae Yi) co-hosted a policy debate on ‘Sustainable Inheritance and Gifting and Improvement of Real Estate Taxation’ with the Federation of Meddle Market Enterprises of Korea, Korea Federation of SMEs, and Reps. Kim Byeong-wook and Hwang Hee of the Democratic Party of Korea. Previously, the government announced that it would introduce a marital gift property deduction in this year's tax law revision, but President Koo Jae-i went one step further, saying that the gift property deduction system must be innovatively improved. The improvement measures presented in the topic presentation focused on expanding the deduction amount and shortening the aggregation period. Yes. President Koo Jae-i also emphasized that the gifted property deduction system should be innovatively improved to allow for early gifting rather than inheritance in order to take into account people's lives, such as children's education, marriage, and childbirth, and to help revitalize the economy.