- About Us
- Secretariat
Management Innovation TeamTel. +82-(0)2-521-9451
Fax. +82-(0)2-597-2945 -
Member Support TeamTel. +82-(0)2-521-9457
Fax. +82-(0)2-597-3753 -
Research Planning DivisionTel. +82-(0)2-521-9544 (IR: 6011-8578)
Fax. +82-(0)508-118-1854 -
Legislative Cooperation DivisionTel. +82-(0)2-587-6021
Fax. +82-(0)2-521-9459 -
Public Relations DivisionTel. +82-(0)2-521-9455
Fax. +82-(0)2-597-2944 -
Training & Publishing TeamTel. +82-(0)2-597-2941
Fax. +82-(0)2-597-2940 -
Qualification Test TeamTel. +82-(0)2-521-8398
Fax. +82-(0)508-118-1858 -
IT Business TeamTel. +82-(0)2-521-8907
Fax. +82-(0)2-521-8909 -
Supervision &
Purification Inspection TeamTel. +82-(0)2-597-7936
Fax. +82-(0)2-597-7938 -
Finance & Accounting TeamTel. +82-(0)2-587-6020
Fax. +82-(0)508-118-1861
Business Innovation Team
Preparing meetings including general and board meetings / Establishment and control of business plan and budget / Management of personnel and documents / Supporting Regional associations and district associations / Executing budget and account closing / Property management including fund / Mutual fund and welfare business for members
Member Support Team
CTA(tax corporation) registration / Indemnity business / Tasks on SME’s committee / Conflict reconciliation business / Operation of KACTA Guardianship Support Center / Improvement of manpower shortage of CTA offices
Public Relations Team
Publication of the ’CTA News’ / Management of General Consulting Center / Publicity of KACTA / Tax information e-mailing service (’e-Tax Daily’) / Tax law consulting service on behalf of NTS / Education of the juvenile people on tax and vocation / Operation and support of village CTA
Training & Publishing Team
Training and education of members and their employees / Training and education of apprentice and ex-NTS CTAs / Education of the general public on tax / Education of officials in charge of local taxes / Operation of Korea Tax Training Center / Publication of tax-related materials, practical books and professional books / Publication of code of tax laws and tax directory / Publication of tax calendars, diary, etc. / Operation of tax specialty book store / Management of subscribers of ’Tax Material’ and ‘Tax DB’
Research Planning Division
Improvement of tax system / Proposal of amendments of laws related to taxation / Operation of Korean Institute of Taxation and Tax Library / Amendment and correction of statute and rules of KACTA / Hosting of tax-related seminars and symposiums / Publication of ‘Quarterly CTA’ and ‘Tax and Accounting Research’ / International relations / Managing foreign language websites
Legislation Research Division
Improvement of CTA system / Proposal of amendments of laws related to CTA system / operation of Korean Institute of Taxation and Tax Library / Amendment and correction of statute and rules of KACTA / Hosting of tax-related seminars and symposiums / Publication of ‘Quarterly CTA’
IT Business Team
Supplying the tax accounting program ‘semusarang2’ and call center business / Improvement and maintenance of ‘semusarang2’ / Development of business software for tax office / Managing KACTA website / Operating IDC(Internet Data Center) / Maintenance of IT materials / Computerization of KACTA’s affairs / Operation of recruiting website for CTA office
Supervision &
Purification Inspection Team
Purification Inspection Team
Deliberation and decision of sanctions / Inspecting violation of rules, regulations of CTA laws / Inspecting non-member’s violation of CTA law / Supervision of tax adjustment statement and sincere filing / Reviewing supervision of business management consultation
Qualification Test Team
Planning, operating & managing Computerized tax accounting qualification, Computerized accounting qualification, Tax Accounting qualification & Business accounting qualifications tests
Finance & Accounting Team
Matters related to General accounting, Special profit accounting, Qualification test special accounting, IT Business special accounting, Deduction accounting, Damage deduction accounting, Public interest accounting revenue and expenditure settlement etc.