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‘2023 National Regional CPTA Associations and KACPTA & Regional Associations Workshop’ in Daejeon
2024-03-04 14:30
Written by : 관리자
Views : 130
Attached file : 3

The KACPA (President Koo Jae Yi) held the ‘2023 National Regional CPTA Associations and Headquarters/Regional Associations Workshop’ over two days on the 11th and 12th of December at the KT Daejeon Human Resources Development Center in Daejeon. About 180 people attended the workshop held this time, including President Koo Jae Yi of the KACPTA, board members of the Association, each committee chairperson, presidents, vice-chairmen, and executive directors of 7 regional CPTAs associations, and presidents and secretaries of 129 local tax accountants associations across the country.