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Opening Ceremony of the 1st practical training for ex-NTS officers
2024-03-04 15:07
Written by : 관리자
Views : 142
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On the 22nd, the KACPTA (President Koo Jae Yi) held the opening ceremony for the first practical training for experienced national CPTAs in 2024 at the main auditorium on the 6th floor of the Seocho-dong Hall. This training is the first practical training for experienced national CPTAs held this year, and 35 experienced national CPTAs attended the opening ceremony. In addition, President Koo Jae Yi, Vice President Kim Seon-myeong attended the event to encourage experienced national tax accountants who are starting their practical training. This training will be held every weekday for about a month and will be divided into basic training and special training for a total of 101 hours.