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Announcement of statement “KACPTA’s position on the decision not to approve the listing of Samjjeomsam”
2024-03-04 16:31
Written by : 관리자
Views : 222
Attached file : 3

The KACPTA (President Koo Jae Yi) issued a statement on the 1st saying that it actively welcomes the Korea Exchange's decision to not approve the KOSDAQ listing of Jarvis & Villains Co., Ltd., the operator of refund agency tax platform Samjeomsam. The KACPTA welcomes the decision that the non-listing approval of Samjjeomsam, which is commercially trampling on personal information and tax information that the government is responsible for, is a natural result to prevent damage to the public, and that Samjjeomsam will not violate personal information and individual tax information in the future and violate irregularities. They demanded that the tax agency business be completely reexamined and that judicial and administrative issues should be resolved on their own in order to protect national information and citizens' rights.