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‘Tax Accounting Master Award’ award ceremony
2024-03-07 15:54
Written by : 관리자
Views : 279
Attached file : 3

The KACPTA (President Koo Jae Yi) held the ‘Tax Accounting Master Award’ award ceremony at the hall on the 5th, given to the highest scorer in the qualification test. In order to encourage students in the tax accounting field and foster future professionals who will contribute to national economic development, the Korea Tax Association awards the 'Tax Accounting Master Award' to those who score perfect scores in qualification tests such as computerized tax accounting hosted by the Korea Tax Association and to instructors. A new ‘Instructor Recognition’ award has been established. As a result of the announcement of the successful candidates for this year's first qualification exam held on February 4, Hyeonjeong Kang received the highest score in computerized taxation level 1, as well as computerized taxation level 1 and 2, computerized accounting level 1 and 2, tax accounting level 1, 2 and 3, and corporate accounting. 59 people who received perfect scores in grades 1, 2, and 3 were honored with the first ‘Tax Accounting Master Award’.